Student Emergency Fund

TU understands that unfortunate circumstances happen! In addition to the Student Emergency Fund outlined on this page, please know that there are services in the Thomasville area available for those in the area. You can access the online directory here.

Financial Hardship

Financial circumstances can change quickly, at times in ways in which we have little or no control. We understand financial hardship can bring significant stress and impact your ability to succeed at TU. We are committed to your success and stand ready to support you in all ways possible to help you overcome your financial hurdles and continue your education at TU.

The Vice President for Student Life oversees the disposition of available funds for student emergencies that include but are not limited to travel, death in the immediate family, medical belongings, or replacement of essential personal issues due to unforeseen circumstances.

Please note that the deposition of emergency funds is at the sole discretion of the Vice President for Student Life.

Eligibility Requirements

Submitting a Request for Assistance

The Thomas University Student Emergency Fund is available to provide limited, one-time financial assistance to enrolled students who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses because of temporary hardship related to an emergency situation. Please note: assistance is based on the availability of funds.

TU students experiencing financial hardship must submit a request for assistance via the form below, which will be reviewed by the Vice President of Student Life. Applicants should provide an estimate of funding needed in their request. Please note that the University may only meet part of the requested funding. Applicants may be required to provide additional information.

Thomas University

Education that Engages

1501 Millpond Road
Thomasville, GA 31792
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